Saturday, October 2, 2021

Dr. Oliver Fairfield Wadsworth & Mary Chapman Goodwin

My Great Great Grandparents were Dr. Oliver Fairfield Wadsworth and Mary Chapman Goodwin.  Oliver I was an Opthalmic Surgeon in Boston in the late 1800s.  I was able to find some more information about them for my old web page in 2009 and wrote this little essay about them.

In a book titled, "The Goodwins of Hartford, Connecticut, descendants of William and Ozias Goodwin" By Frank Farnsworth Starr (which I located on, I found this entry on Mary Chapman Goodwin, Dr. Oliver Fairfield Wadsworth's wife.  It includes a great deal of information on their family, that I had not seen before.

Mary Chapman Goodwin, born in Boston, Mass., November 24, 1841; married, April 16, 1867, Oliver Fairfield Wadsworth, born in Boston April 26, 1838, son of Alexander and Mary Elizabeth Hubbard (Fairfield) Wadsworth. Oliver F. Wadsworth graduated at Harvard, 1860, is a Physician, residing in Boston, and is the Ophthalmic Surgeon in the Boston City and Massachusetts General Hospitals.


Wadsworth Children:

  • Oliver Fairfield, b. Jan. 23, 1868. 
  • Lucy Goodwin, Aug. 17, 1869.
  • Elizabeth Fairfield, Aug. 25, 1871.
  • Richard Goodwin, June 30, 1874.
  • Eliot, Sept. 10, 1876.
  • Philip, Jan. 6, 1881.

Also on the Internet, I found a memorial written by a Myles Standish, MD in 1912 in a medical journal Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc. 1912; 13(Pt 1): 10.2–14:  Dr. Oliver Fairfield Wadsworth.

The original link was to this article was .

There are several descendants named Eliot in Dr. & Mrs. Wadsworth's line.  Their son, Eliot, born in 1876 had a successful career in business and government.  As his great nephew, Eliot Wadsworth, recalls in an e-mail from October 22, 2009: 

"The Eliot who was born in 1876 was my great uncle, member of the Harvard Class of 1898. His primary career was with a Boston civil engineering and construction company called Stone and Webster, after which he served in the Treasury Dept under Andrew Mellon and headed the International Red Cross."

Eric Elfner
Originally Published on the Elf Home Page - October 2009

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